Sometimes I wonder why we feel like we live in two different countries within the same common borders. Then I saw Tucker Carlson on Fox News, and this shit started.
Carlson, whose hour-long show aired without ads Thursday night, making his viewers less likely to switch channels to one of the many other networks that held the panel's first plenary session on January 6, attacked the Washington Commanders coach Ron. Rivera fined defense coordinator Jacques del Rio last night. has a section. I decided to hold my nose and write it down.
"Jack Del Rio is the football coach and defensive coordinator for the Washington Leaders, formerly known as the Redskins for a reason, and that's unacceptable," Carlson said. “So Del Rio indicated a few days ago that no one seems to be talking about the BLM riots anymore. He wasn’t allowed to tell Le the truth on any level. So he came back and said he stuck to his comments. That’s what he said.” "
The show then aired a short clip from Del Rio's press conference on Wednesday. He begins by telling Del Rio that he speaks respectfully. It ends with Del Rio saying, "What did you ask? Simple question. Why don't we see these things?"
Oddly enough (or not), the clip ends before the point where del Rio referred to the January 6 rebellion as "the dust of the Capitol."
"Oh, he thought he had a right to speak respectfully in the land of liberty," Carlson continued. But it turned out not. Just a few hours ago, Washington's coach, a fascist named Ron Rivera, said that Jacques del Rio was not allowed to speak and was fined $100,000 for doing so. Rivera began by saying that "lives were lost on January 6," which is a lie.
He then proceeded to do so, stating that "our organization will not tolerate any parity between those who sought justice in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the actions of those who, on January 6, sought to overthrow our government." If you can think of it. A series full of lies and advertising more, write to us and tell us what it is, because we can not. I mean, it's just Maui. What he's basically saying is, "Shut up. You can't talk anymore. If you don't agree with the creed, you will be punished." It's an NFL team. It happens everywhere."
In short, Carlson's team omitted any reference to Del Rio and described the rebellion (or, as one of Carlson's guests suggested Thursday night, an FBI plot to frame Donald Trump supporters) as "dust." In addition, Carlson described the twice-earned respected NFL coach of the year as a "fascist idiot." Finally, Carlson said the claim that lives were lost on January 6 was a lie.
Carlson works for Fox News. A sister company to a major NFL broadcast partner. However, the NFL, who frankly has no qualms about complaining to NBC about me when they see fit, didn't say a word about Carlson.
The NFL may be complaining about Carlson in particular. If so, it will be blatantly ignored. As evidenced by last night's comments about Ron Rivera and his executives.
We will be asking the league and team for feedback in response to Carlson's attack on Ron Rivera. Most likely, none of them have anything to say. This sad. At a time when very few people are telling the truth, their supporters must be willing to stand up and dismiss them.
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